Friday, February 5, 2016

Nursery Rhymes

I went looking for what was rattling around in my head today and I found Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes. Most of them I could only remember the first stanza of  and some were quite dusty to say the least. My poor grandmother would be most ashamed at the condition in which I have kept these prized possessions of my childhood. I am sad to say that I failed to pass them down to my son, and seems I was not the only one. Today's youth do not know what a nursery rhyme is or only know the most famous ones of Humpty Dumpty, and Hey Diddle Diddle.
A Few years back my front yard was decorated as a grave yard with tombstones each bearing the name of a Jack character, It was meant to be tongue in cheek, like Jack Sprat, Jack B. Nimble, Jack B. Quick, Jack Skellington and Jack O'Lantern. But as it grew every year I added more of the nursery rhyme characters again as a tongue in cheek poking fun at how the rhymes have faded away or "died" from our literature as screens replace books and grandma's in our society today.