Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Me, Myself, and I

Was having a good conversation the other day with Me, Myself, and I. We were talking about many important topics, such as why it is called common sense when apparently it is anything but common, and do schools not teach children how to think rather than what to think, and even more importantly, if college is to prepare you for the professional work place why do they not teach people skills and other interactive skills.
 Oh we went further down the rabbit hole with wondering how we became a society of entitled little brats. When did it go from children respecting their elders to parents working to serve their children and get them everything their little heart desires? What happened to teaching real life lessons like losing gracefully, saving for what you want, working to earn that savings, helping others not for the recognition, but because it is the neighborly  thing to do, makes you feel good, and instills a sense of gratitude for what they have.  
Then, gasp, we went even further, we started bashing technology. How the more connected we are to technology the more disconnected we are to those around us. We have lost the ability to send hand written sentiments, and are on the verge of losing the ability to have face to face conversations. We have forgotten the etiquette of communication, we say what we think with out stopping to think how it will be perceived by others. We have created a whole new "language" with text so much so that it is appearing outside of the "texting" realm. People think that just because they have their phone on them that they HAVE to check it every time they think it makes a noise or vibrates, and even worse people sending texts expect an IMMEDIATE response, not caring that the person receiving might currently be busy on an important task.