Monday, February 28, 2022


I have a dragon, she is not my pet as much as she is my best friend. I don't own her any more than she owns me, but we are a team. Her name is Draccona, at least her English name is, I cannot pronounce her true name. She is metallic purple with irridescent halo colored wings. She has a crown of horns on her head and fins on her tail. Her tallons are Sterling Silver. Her Eyes are large orbs that swirl with all the colors of the ocean and skies. Her voice is melodious and sounds like silk when she speaks. 

  I have a supple leather saddle so I can ride her. We often take flight in the night. We travel to different dimensions and far off galaxies. We meet other dragonriders and have grand adventures!
 My favorite part of my Draconna is that only I and other dragonriders like me can see her. She uses this to her advantage and causes all kinds of harmless mischief! If you find your self seeing dragons I would encourage you to befriend your very own and ride!